As you fill in these details they will pre-populate into the sections asking for your name, dob, TFN, etc in the necessary employment forms. 

Gender - You have 3 options to choose from.

Phone Number - Add your best number to be contacted on.

Tax File Number - Enter your Tax File Declaration form 

If you don't have one you can select an option next to it, as to why.

Payroll number - From your employer's HR/Payroll department

Residency Status - Please select what is relevant to your residential status

Tick 'Claim Tax-Free Threshold' if you want to have the lesser amount of tax taken from this job (If you have 2 incomes you can decide if this income takes over the Claim Tax-Free Threshold' or your 2nd income gets the lower-taxed amount).

Tick 'Has valid Working Visa' if you have a valid working visa - your employer may request proof of this.

Tick 'Has HELP or similar debt' if you have a study or similar debt that, if you reach over a certain income threshold, the employer can make payments on your debt on your behalf, from your income from this employer. 

Profile Picture - You can upload profile pictures from your computer, if you have them, or if you are connected through ATS Workforce with a face-scanning clock, their picture in the ATS clocking software should upload into this spot if you have the same token numbers across all ATS products you use.