In the Document Library, you can see all the documents that have been uploaded, to be requested from your employees. 

You can add documents here by selecting the blue 'Add' button.

The documents can be deleted by clicking on the red rubbish bin or clicking on the 

You can search for specific documents or employee's names in the 'Search' bar.

Tax File Number Declaration and Super Choice Form are used only for their own forms. 

Custom format : This is for any Word Document we are uploading using the placeholders for example an employee Contract.

Uploaded by Employee : When the employee needs to provide a document or Drivers licence etc. 

To be completed by Employee : Use this format for the employee to download the attached document, complete it manually and re-upload.

To add a document to be requested from the employer as they fill out their Onboarding information.

Go to the Document Library and press 'Add'

Then Fill out th description of the document for example 'Drivers Licence' and Select Drivers licence as Document type  (If Drivers Licence isn't an option in the drop down- go to document types and dd it in there first)
and tick the 'Require Document to be uploaded by employee' box. 

**If you leave all fields in the Location, Language, Occupation and Employment types blank, it will auto request the document from everyone you send the link too. 
Alternitively, you can select the Location, Language, Occupation and Employment types you wish the Drivers Licence to be requested from ONLY.